Monday 8 June 2009

by Kieron McFadden

For over 40 years the highly successful drug-free drug rehabilitation program, Narconon, has been helping people all across the world to recover from alcohol and other drug addictions.

The word “Narconon” .very aptly means “narcotics none" or "no drugs" and this author is very proud to say he has been able to observe at first hand just how effective this program is in freeing people from dugs. I worked for Narconon in the UK for several very rewarding years and I will never forget for as long as I live the lives saved and the human misery turned to happiness.

Narconon is able to perform what are near miracles by the standards of the broad drug rehab “industry” in which psychiatric defeatism is now generating the false belief that “cure” is impossible and “maintenance” of addiction (ie, more drugging) is the dismal best for which we can hope.

However, Narconon recognizes that being able to demonstrate routinely that something effective CAN be done about addiction is not enough. In order to overcome the society's number one health epidemic and the world’s first truly global social catastrophe, there must be effective drug EDUCATION AND PREVENTION programs and materials available.

Narconon shares the ambitious goals of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and other organizations to reduce adolescent drug use and Narconon’s staff and volunteers devote a great deal of selfless effort to helping achieve that goal.

The fact of the matter is that no matter how good the Narconon program has proven itself to be, digging some poor devil out of a very deep hole AFTER he has fallen into it, is by no means as effective and efficient in the use of our human resources as showing him how NOT to fall into the hole in the first place.

Behind the drugs epidemic lies a long, assiduous and dedicated process by which the organism is softened up and rendered prone to the disease There is still a tremendous morass of confusion, false data and blind ignorance in the society about drugs and their dangers, about the real reasons for human unhappiness and the SAFE alternatives to drugs that exist.

Alongside this ignorance and indeed nurturing it and profiting by it have been the marketing efforts of psychiatry and the drug manufacturers to instill in the population an unquestioning acceptance of the false and actually extremely harmful “solution” of pill popping to deal with every unwanted nuance of mood. This non-education and pernicious mis-education has to be undone if the Dark Age of human brain tinkering is to be brought to an end.

That is where Narconon’s drug education program and its series of drug education booklets come in.

The three booklets are

"10 Things Your Friends May Not Know about Drugs,"

"Drug Facts"

"Talking to Kids about Drugs."

They are well written in an easy-to-understand way that, by observation of the booklets in use, COMMUNICATES to kids and parents alike. They provide vital information about specific drugs, as well as substance abuse and addiction in general.

They are a priceless tool for students, teachers, parents and community leaders. Get yourself a copy id each and you will see what I mean.

I HIGHLY recommend that if you want to do something about drugs, you visit the Narconon website at now for fuller information and get yourself a copy of these booklets.

Don’t let the bad guys win, you CAN do something about drugs.

About The Author

Visit and pick up a FREE copy of my health e-book.

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